50 Things That Make Me Happy
1.Traveling- Especially flying
2.Perfectly ripe Avocado- so simple... But brings so much joy :)
3.Climbing into bed after a long day
4.Walking onto crisp autumn leaves
5.People playing with my hair - only people that I know though... No stranger is allowed to touch my do
8.Waking up in the middle of the night and realizing that you can go back to sleep
9. Small local coffee shop
10.Deep personal conversations with a close friend or family-especially during the night
11.New workout clothes/equipment/ mats
12. Bubble baths
13. Dark Chocolate - I will never turn down a piece of good dark chocolate
14.Proper uncontrollable belly laugh
15.Shower after a sweaty workout session
16.Smell of good coffee
17.Waking up to a blanket of snow outside of my window
18. Walks during dark winter mornings
19.Buzz and the atmosphere of big cities
20.New pajamas
21.Mickey -aka my dog
22.Freshly changed sheets
23.Keeping a healthy lifestyle and exercise routine- I know, so lame...
24.Finding new vegan restaurants/cafés
25.Harry Potter- I am a total(us)- let me if you get the pun ) potter head, I have read every book at least 7 times and I know the script of every movie of by heart, and own every merch piece you can find
26.Starbucks Gingerbread Latte-made with soy milk of course
27.Blogging- Sharing my thoughts and life with you guys
28.Taking cool and unique photos - basically Photography !!
29.Reading a really good book - you know those books that you want to finish but at the same time you want to save it cause its so good, yeah I'm talking about those kinda books
30.Nail Polish
31.Animals -Playing with, cuddling, petting, holding or just being in presence of an animal
32.Long summer nights
33.Sound of the sea
34.Visiting my home country Poland
35.Autumn-Hands down my favourite time of the year
36.Green tea- Especially flavoured, apple and pear, cranberry, orange and grapefruit.
37. Big mugs- I seriously have an obsession, I always come back from holidays or shopping trip with a mug.... I need to stop...
39.Good vegan pizza - if you're vegan you know the struggle of find the perfect pizza
40.Nice ,genuine, positive people
41.Getting a good new haircut
42.Fresh flowers-if ever stuck on getting me a gift, flowers is always a route to go.
43.Lipstick- Matte to be specific
44.Driving during summer days, with windows down, music up and your hand out from the window
45.Fantasizing about future traveling
46.Going to the cinema
47.spending lazy alone Saturday night with crap loads od popcorn watching a movie
48. Well written revision notes- this is so sad but if you're a student you know what I mean
49.Spending some quality time with friends
50.hugs !!!!!
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