Hey Guys !!
Here's the thing, unfortunetly we live in the time of people constantly judging and trying to "fit in", honestly it's sad and what's even sadder is media and how many young people ,like me, get into this cycle of being like the girl/boy on the cover of a magazine or like that Instagramer. ( is that what you call it)
The truth is that they seem like they have "everything" that you ever wanted in you, but the reality is they might look like million dollars but, yes there is a but, they are empty inside and they probably don't look like that, they use tones of filters and photoshop etc. just to have "The Perfect Body".
And it's depressing that more and more people are taking drastic changes in their lives to look a certain way, like eating once a day, or instead of eating meals they eat cotton balls soaked with water ,or even completely stopping to eat ,and exercising over 3 hours per day , this is just a couple changes but the list goes on and on. It is unhealthy guys !!
So here's a deal guys if you are trying to get that perfect body, I want to tell you something don't focus on the weight you are losing or how much you are putting on, but focus on loving your life and your body because your body will give the love back and you will start seeing those changes, focus on finding the workout that you love and you enjoy and that you want to do it not because you have to but because you want to as you love it!! and also don't focus on eating less, focus on eating healthy and try picking healthier options.. all of this will help you lead healthy and happy life.
So guys summing it up don't focus on those thigh gaps, abs or slim calves, focus on how much you love your workout and your lifestyle it's like instead of focusing on earning money focus on the career that you love ,because all the passion and dedication that you put in will end up making you the money anyways.
"Let's Build a Healthy Mind for a Healthy Body"
MAN!! Thats a long and a deep post, but I had a thought and I wanted to share ,so please leave a comment down below letting me know your opinion about all of this.